Linn Meyers works to structure each drawing around its most basic elements, fascinated by the surprising complexity of form and process that can arise in that effort. She began this ink drawing by making several tangential circles at the center of a sheet of Mylar then echoed their curves to create a pattern and followed the natural flow of each line out to an edge of the work. Slips, slight bends, and bumps between lines are evident where Meyers strained or stretched her reach, imperfections that carry a resonant beauty as traces of mindful human endeavor. As Meyers explains, “The unmediated directness of making a drawing is the result of a line being an extension of the hand and the body.”
Linn Meyers
Courtesy of the artist
Original Format
Ink on mylar
Physical Dimensions
59 x 75 inches; Framed??
Linn Meyers, “Untitled,” Contemporary Art Purchasing Program - Stamp Gallery, accessed January 30, 2025, https://contemporaryartumd.artinterp.org/omeka/items/show/58.