In this series, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew explores ethnicity, immigration, and the colonial gaze. Each panel juxtaposes two images: a late-nineteenth photograph of Native Americans and a reenactment of that…
In his series “Collective Memory,” Doug Keyes explores the experience of reading a physical book. With a background in graphic design, Keyes is highly attuned to processes of conveying and receiving information…
In this acclaimed series of work, Nikki S. Lee pictures herself posing as a member of various social scenes and cultural groups—hip-hop artists, senior citizens, skateboarders, yuppies, punks, exotic dancers,…
In this acclaimed series of work, Nikki S. Lee pictures herself posing as a member of various social scenes and cultural groups—hip-hop artists, senior citizens, skateboarders, yuppies, punks, exotic dancers,…
Throw belongs to a group of paintings by Maggie Michael that explore the tension between destruction and repair, control and release. Using an array of action painting techniques (spray-painting, dripping, precision brushwork), Michael imbues her…
In this series, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew explores ethnicity, immigration, and the colonial gaze. Each panel juxtaposes two images: a late-nineteenth photograph of Native Americans and a reenactment of that…
In his ongoing series “Until the Kingdom Comes,” to which this monumental portrait of a llama belongs, Simen Johan probes the boundaries between nature and artifice, reality and illusion, fantasy and…
Jae Ko makes sculptures by twisting and contorting large spools of paper. She rolls and unrolls the spool and jiggles it to create space within the coil so that she can work the lines of paper into a three-dimensional drawing. Her process ends when…
Linn Meyers works to structure each drawing around its most basic elements, fascinated by the surprising complexity of form and process that can arise in that effort. She began this ink drawing by making several tangential circles at the center of a…