Exposure #43: Barmsee, Bavaria, 08.18.06, 4:02 p.m.


Barbara Probst investigates perception through photographic processes of framing and dislocation. She uses two or more cameras, triggered by remote, to record a single scene from multiple angles at the exact same moment. The resulting works subject the viewer to a complex process of comparison, synthesis, and evaluation, in which no perspective remains neutral. Probst further complicates the experience by varying shots in color or in grayscale, in closely framed crops or panoramic views. By revealed the potential range of impressions of a single time and place, Probst highlights the ways in which a photograph is always subject to the viewpoint and intentions of the photographer and the assumptions and expectations of the viewer.


Barbara Probst




Courtesy of the artist and Murray Guy, New York

Original Format

Ultrachrome ink on cotton paper. Edition 5 of 5.

Physical Dimensions

2 segments, each 44 x 66 inches


2-12-16 (5).JPG
2-12-16 (4).JPG


Barbara Probst, “Exposure #43: Barmsee, Bavaria, 08.18.06, 4:02 p.m.,” Contemporary Art Purchasing Program - Stamp Gallery, accessed February 22, 2025, https://contemporaryartumd.artinterp.org/omeka/items/show/62.

Output Formats